اBlack Sea

Black Sea is an inland sea located between the south-eastern part of Europe and Asia Minor connects the Mediterranean Sea through the Bosphorus and the Sea of ​​Azov Sea Mmermrhoatsal through the Kerch Strait.
The most important rivers flowing into the Black Sea is the Danube River in the north-west and Dniester River and Aldnyibr in the north and the Kuban River in the east and south Sagariavi River and where there is no only three small islands are unique and important Zmina and Bertaran and Kfkin. Body of water of the Black Sea area of ​​more than 420 thousand square kilometers and has a maximum depth of 2210 m and shorter width of god is among the top Sartah in the Crimea in the north and head south Sartah and no more than 263 km. Black Sea countries are (clockwise): Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. The most important littoral cities by Oodisawita, Sevastopol, Kerch and Novorossiysk and Sukhumi and Sochi and Batumi and Trabzon and Samsun and Zenjldaq, Istanbul, Burgas and Varna and Constanta surround the Black Sea to the east of the Caucasus Mountains and from the south of the Black Sea mountain ranges and highlands Ostranjh in the south-west and in the West Introduction Albalkano Mountains is the Bosphorus only outlet to the sea and characterized by mountains in the east and south of it Ptdharysha refractive and torsional and towering heights and constitute a major obstacle to connect coastal areas boarding and then there is a very narrow coastal plains and rocky coast line regularly few broad bays and poor to the task marine natural harbors and mountains do not appear However, in the south of Crimea, and with the exception of coastal plains and wide flat wriggling where rivers often contain sandy beaches and is characterized by the coastline many Ptarjath and help the vast gulfs on having a good natural ports and serves continental shelf around a quarter of area ا
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