ت.Oceans are the largest and the greatest part of the hydrosphere which encircles the globe and is known as the water occupies 70.7% of the Earth's surface area roughly equivalent to 510 million km 3. It consists of the total ocean areas, lakes and seas an average depth of 3800 m. The number of ocean that encircle the planet's five oceans.
Earth is the only planet known to have an ocean (or open any large amounts of liquid water). About 72% of the planet's surface (~ 3.6x108 km2) covered by salt water where divided Regular to several major oceans and seas smaller, where water oceans cover nearly 71% of the Earth's surface. [1] The oceans contain 97 percent of Earth's water, oceanographers have stated that only 5% of the oceans as a whole on the ground have not been exploring. [1] The total size up to approximately 1.3 billion cubic kilometers (310 million cubic miles) [2] with an average depth of 3,682 meters (12,080 feet) . [3]
Because it is the main component of the cover of the water of the earth, the world's oceans are an integral part of all known forms of life, and forms part of the carbon cycle, and the effects of climate and weather patterns. Habitat is the 230,000 known species for, and despite the fact that much of the depths of the ocean remains unexplored after it was estimated that there are more than two types of sea creatures. [4] The origin of Earth's oceans is still unknown, but It believes that the oceans have formed the era of climate Alhadian already and probably was the motive for the emergence of life
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