Mississippi Rive

Nnehr Mississippi River in the United States and is located in the northeast of North America. The second longest river in the United States Hohr Missouri, which flows in the Mississippi River, making them the longest river system in North America. Taking Mississippi Oojibwa name of the language, it means the word "Masasebi" is a great river. The total length of 6270 km river. Borders is the United States (98.5%) and Canada (1.5%).
 It is the longest
Mississippi is the second championships in the United States, and flows from Lake [[l \ mount albalsh]] (English: Itasca) in northwestern Minnesota. And cut 10 states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, where hurt Delta, forming in the Gulf of Almxhexqataa a total distance of 3,734 km.

Two seasons of the river above them the amount of water flow to the maximum:
Chapter One: between December until January (in the winter) -alomtar that falls in the Rocky Mountains and Alavlzim, peak Minor.
Chapter II: between April to May (spring) - the melting of snow, along the river and set up a protective wall of dirt hardback high rings of bellies in order to prevent flooding and damage to the river.
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