
Kiwi (scientific name: Apteryx) is a genus of birds followed Alkioah platoon of the Kiwis rank [1] [2] [3] [4].
Size small kiwi bird can not fly, lives in New Zealand, its size is close to the size of a hen, a smaller species of living Alanaamyat size, and puts a very large egg for its size is relatively the largest among all the birds in the world. There are five species of kiwi, two of which types are not immune, and one is threatened with extinction, and one is at risk too, have been affected by the types of kiwi are all negative operations deforestation historically, and today there are vast tracts of habitat well-protected in the form of reserves and national parks, and the larger-threatened to the lives of these birds today is the predators of mammals.

Kiwi national symbol appeared for the first time in the late nineteenth century in New Zealand on military badges, and during the First World War, was the title of "Kiwi" New Zealanders are called soldiers, then this title is called the spread became all New Zealanders in their own country and abroad.
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