Atlas Mountains are a mountain range stretches across the north-west of the continent of Africa about 2,500 kilometers (1,600 miles) across both Morocco and Algeria and Tunisia, of the highest peaks of 4.156 meters (13.671 feet), a summit Tobqal in southwest Morocco, limiting the Atlas mountain range both the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and south of the Sahara, the Atlas Mountains majority of the population of those with HCA.
The Atlas Mountains, home to many plant and animal species unique in Africa, and often resemble its counterpart in Europe, has been under a lot of these species to extinction, there are kinds of extinct actually, from the examples that Barbary macaques, a gallery of extinction, bear Atlas (the only kind in Africa bears , has been extinct), Tiger barbaric, Elk barbaric, barbaric Assad (the extinct in the wild), North African Elephant (extinct), Koviar Ghazal, northern bald ibis, a snake Atlas Mountains
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